Wednesday, 31 December 2008

New Year's Eve

As 2008 draws to a close, I’d like to wish all visitors to this blog a peaceful, healthy and happy 2009. Given all the doom and gloom about the world economy, it might be pushing it a bit also to wish everyone a prosperous new year, but let’s hope that the ravages of recession don’t affect us – or the publishing business which matters so much to both writers and readers – too severely.

On this New Year’s Eve, I’d also like to say how much I appreciate the many kindnesses that I’ve been shown by a lot of people who have come across this blog. One of the year’s greatest pleasures has been to meet a good number of fellow bloggers for the very first time – Maxine, Steve, Rhian, Gerald, Bill, Pari, the list goes on – and I hope that in 2009 I’ll have the chance to meet some more of you as well as to renew friendships made so far. Crime fiction readers and writers are marvellous company, and their generosity of spirit is evident in so many of the comments and emails I receive.

I’ll simply end the 2008 blog posts by saying thanks again, and do keep visiting ‘Do You Write Under Your Own Name?’


  1. A happy New year to you too, Martin.

  2. Best wishes to you and your family in the New Year, Martin, and thanks for the pleasure given by your blog this year -- especially the nostalgic moments with writers of yore.

  3. Martin, I have enjoyed all yours posts, especially the Forgotten Books one. Happy New Year to you, too!

  4. Cheers!
    Detectives Beyond Borders
    "Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

  5. Happy New Year Martin.
    Just to let you know my dad made one request for reading matter to keep him occupied during his stay in hospital - Waterloo Sunset!

  6. Wishing you and your family all the best in '09. Happy New Year!

  7. happy new year, Martin! Please keep blogging in 2009, it is great to read your posts even if I don't always commment. And I was glad to read in another recent post of yours that the 4th Lake District novel is coming along - looking forward to that!

  8. Thanks, everyone.
    Jane, please give my very best wishes to your Dad for a speedy recovery. Hope 2009 soon turns much better for you.
