Wednesday 13 October 2010

Three Years On...

This blog started life on 13 October 2007, and since then I’ve managed (more or less) a post a day. It’s been a real joy, and an exhilarating experience, and has brought me into contact with many marvellous people, some of whom I’ve had the pleasure to meet in person. I’ve learned a lot. Even more important, your kindness and enthusiasm continues to be a real source of delight and motivation as far as I’m concerned. I am truly grateful.

I never intended to be so prolific as a blogger, and didn’t expect to keep it going so long. But I most certainly plan to continue the blog. From now on, though, and at least until Christmas, I shall be posting less frequently. What I have in mind at the moment is to post on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week, while from time to time making additions to the schedule, for instance on topical issues.

I'm also wondering about filling in some or even all of the days when I don't write longer posts with things like crime related quiz questions and other snippets. I'd be interested to know if this appeals to my regular readers, or not.

There are several reasons for this adjustment of approach, most of which are linked to time pressures. Above all, though, I want both to keep the blog fresh and enjoyable for you and for me, and to strike a slightly different balance between blogging and my various other activities. Not least reading and writing more fiction!


  1. Martin - Well-done on blogging so well for as long as you have. That is quite impressive, and I can't blame you one bit for wanting to focus a bit more on your writing and reading. Smart choice...

  2. I am amazed you have managed to write every day for so long and I think cutting back might be a good idea, judging from my own experience. I was never anywhere near as prolific as you and still, I just burnt out, or ran out of ideas or something a few years back and still haven't recharged. So better you cut back voluntarily and try to keep a regular, if reduced, schedule. I'm sure I'd enjoy anything you might decide to write about (surprise us!!) although I think politics might be a good topic to avoid!

  3. Any interesting link will suffice. Post something of your own every day is hard work. And it doesn't help you get those stories and novels written.

  4. Happy 3rd year anniversary of blogging! Whatever you choose to write about, your readers will delight in reading.

  5. Happy Blogday, Martin! As someone who struggles to blog on a regular basis, mostly for want of anything fascinating to say, I admire you for a) Keeping it up and b) Always being interesting.

  6. Happy anniversary!

    And though I like your blog, I love your books more. I also allow myself to skip a day or two every week to try to write more.

    With regard to quiz questions, I really like them when I have a chance of answering them ;D

    Besides, I like snippets about your writing process plus photos from your part of the world. In my experience these post don´t take as long time, and most readers will enjoy seeing them.

  7. Yes, congratulations, Martin.
    A regular "fill in" feature sounds like a good idea - a brief interactive question or poll would be an idea, so you can make a subsequent post about the answers (Or a regular feature eg "tips for how to win at criminal mastermind" ;-) )

    I shall look forward to seeing whether you manage to stay away...blogging can be curiously addictive....(I hope it will be featuring in a Hannah Scarlett plot one of these days.)

  8. Martin – Congrats on your third Blogging Anniversary!

    ‘Do You Write Under Your Own Name?’ is the best crime fiction blog on the net, as evidenced by your many awards (the Sisterhood Award amuses me!). Consistently interesting and informative, your blog is a window on the world of crime writing and, at least for this reader, a whole education in the subject. But then there are your books too, books worth waiting for just the right moment to read and savour (I’m reading ‘The Serpent Pool’ now – brilliant!).

    It’s amazing you’re able to do so much on top of the day job and the adjustment to your book/blog balance sounds pretty good to me. The occasional additional post on a topical subject would be nice. As for quizzes, though…now and again, perhaps, but I hope you won’t go overboard and create a rod for your own back; your creative work is far more important. Quizzes or not, I’m sure the blog awards will keep coming!

    Regards, Paul

  9. Congratulations on three blogging years.

    Crime related quizzes sounds an excellent idea and/or other snippets - whatever you choose will be good I'm sure.

  10. Congratulations on your Blogiversary Martin! Frm a purely selfish viewpoint I shall be very sad not to have a new post from you every day (it's the first page I look at when I log on in the morning) but I do understand the pressure you have put upon yourself. I know how long I take over a blog post which happens on average once a week, and is nowhere near as deep as yours. I still can't imagine how you manage to fit in commuting to a stressful job AND a family life AND blogging AND writing.....and presumably the odd hour of sleep? It sounds a perfect recipe for an eventual breakdown so please, be kind to youself and ease off just a little!

  11. Happy Blogaversary! It amazes me how you manage to post informative and extremely well written blog posts nearly every day.

    I understand when you say that keeping up such a tight blogging schedule is difficult, I used to do that with my blog but now only post when I have something to talk about. So if you only write blogs when you want to, then that will be fine, as I know it will be interesting.

  12. Martin, I'm sure all of us bloggers understand your situation completely and fully support your decision to scale back a bit. And I, as well as all your readers, will be quite pleased if you can take that extra time to write more stories and books! I've often contemplated doing the very same thing.

  13. well done Martin - good luck with cutting down :-)

  14. Congratulations! Three years is a long time to have blogged. I think a M-W-F schedule sounds great...and I love the idea of quizzes or snippets.

  15. Happy anniversary, Martin!

    Your blog is an outstanding source of information and inspiration for all crime fiction aficionados.

    I hope you'll continue to blog for many years to come.

  16. Congratulation on hitting this milestone.

    I don't know what to say about the 'filler' but as long as you plan to continue posting a few times a week, I'm sure all will be fine.

  17. I've always wondered how you managed to fit everything in. No one will blame you from easing back on the blogging. We'll still visit regularly - promise!
    Congrats on notching up three years. I've only been following you for a fraction of that time, but like other commenters, yours is one of the first blogs I visit as soon as the computer is fired up.

  18. Congratulations - your posts are so interesting to read. Now you've decided not to post every day all the best with your other work and writing.

  19. I'm truly appreciative, and indeed touched, by all your very kind and positive comments. Thank you. It is a great pleasure and privilege to have people sparing their time to read one's work, as all authors know, and this is true of blog posts as well as of novels.

  20. Congratulations on 3 years of blogging, it's a great achievement. I think you're wise to do whatever suits you. It would be a shame if the blog became a chore. I get a lot of enjoyment in reading what you write about. I enjoy the reviews, musings on the craft of crime fiction & the visits to conferences. If less blogging means we'd get the next Lake District mystery a little quicker, I think you should definitely blog less!

  21. Belated congratulations on your Blogiversary!

    I, along with your other readers, enjoy reading your blogs and am astuonded by how you manage to write so prolifically.

    Knowing that you will continue, in what ever form each blog takes, makes me happy as I enjoy reading your reviews, thoughts and ideas mooted.

    A big 'Thank You' just for bweing so inspirational.

  22. Like all the others, I've long wondered how you can have a job, write books, blog and presumably also lead a normal life some of the time.

    You don't have to blog every day. But above all, you don't need to write long blog posts. It can be nice to pop in and just find a brief paragraph from you. Personally I think just reading is the best, rather than quizzes and things. But that may be me.

  23. Three years! Well done - I'm lucky if I manage to blog nearly every day for as prolonged a period as a fortnight. If you ease back it will mean those of us who don't manage to visit your site as often as we'd like will have more chance of catching up on it all when we do.

  24. Again, thanks for all these comments, which are a considerable boost to my morale and motivation!

  25. Crime related quizzes would be fun! I don't get a chance to read everyday so if you write less frequently I may not even notice!

  26. Hi Martin,

    I know the time gained from your new blogging schedule won’t be enormous but maybe it’ll be enough to temp you down a different road from time to time – a standalone thriller perhaps (bet St. Petersburg gave you a few ideas!), another novelization of an historical murder case (the mysterious Red Barn case might be a good one as questions have been raised over Corder’s conviction) or even, following your recent short story ‘No Flowers’, a detour into the supernatural…?

    Whatever, best of luck and enjoy!


  27. Disgracefully late to the party, so apologies for that. But many congratulations on your achievement - definitely one of which you can be proud: all that research, reflection and sheer productivity ...
    I'm faltering after about 18 months (although Real Life intervening in absorbing ways, is my excuse ;-))!
    More power to you, and here's to the next anniversary.

  28. Hi Minnie, thanks. And I'm glad that Real Life is proving positive, long may that continue.
