Wednesday 21 September 2011


Well, you didn't think that you'd get away with just one set of my holiday snaps, did you?! These photographs were all taken on a memorable visit to Santorini, a Greek island as fascinating as it is beautiful. In fact, I liked it so much that I was immediately inspired to think up a story set on Santorini.

I suppose that most sensible travellers research their destinations in depth before they set off. However, I must admit that I didn't know anything about Santorini before I arrived there. This was partly because I hadn't had much time prior to the cruise to think about it in any detail – but it was also partly because one of the joys of cruising, at least to me, is that of arriving in fresh and unknown places morning after morning and then discovering them at close quarters. You only have time to get a brief flavour of the place, but of course, if you like it enough, you can always go back at a later date for an extended visit.

Suffice to say that I'm keen to return to Santorini one of these days. Mind you, next time, I may take the cable car to the top of the cliff where the main town of the island is located, rather than flogging up the 600 steps which wind to the top. I did the walk both ways which gave me a rare sense of virtue, and managed to avoid being crushed to death by the masses of donkeys that carry nervous passengers up the same path. Anyway, the walk was worth it, both for the breathtaking views and for the delightful nature of the town. I thought it was a fantastic place.

Santorini was created by a volcanic eruption, and the town was destroyed less than 60 years ago by an earthquake. The geology is part of the fascination of the place, and it has influenced the theme of my story – which is provisionally entitled "Fault Line".


  1. Martin - Lovely 'photos! You're making me keen to visit the place, and I'm sure your story will be wonderful :-).

  2. Gorgeous! And exotic, too. Not sure about those 600 steps, though... :)

  3. Lovely photos from Martin's attempt to strengthen the Greek economy. ;o)

  4. Glad you had a good hol, Martin; you must have been ready for it after the work pressures of the last year, with the merger and whatnot. Santorini sounds fantastic and I shall look forward to the appearance of ‘Fault Line’. (A cable car climax, I wonder – not the ideal mode of transport in an earthquake!) Strange, isn’t it, the crime writer’s impulse – love a place, so set a murder there!

    Ah, for the blue skies and golden sunsets of the Med! Love your pics and write-up and hope to have a cruise myself next year: it’ll be my first.

    All best, Paul

  5. Margot, I'm sure you'd love it.
    Elizabeth, with hindsight, neither am I!!
    Uriah, the price the cafes charge for soft drinks should do the trick!
    Paul, many thanks. I am a big fan of cruises and strongly recommend them to you!

  6. Very beautiful scenery here. Santorini, a Greek island, sounds Italian.
    Lovely post, Thank You.

  7. Beautiful! Glad you had such a good time, and have returned revived and refreshed.
    Gosh, but I'm going to miss the Med! Not just the sun, sea, light and many gorgeousnesses, but the ubiquitous sense of ancient civilisations reminding us there's nothing new under the sun combined with regular reminders that man is not, as he might suppose, actually the one in charge around there ... All add up to reconciliation with life, with death.

  8. Thanks, Minnie. I can imagine you will miss Nice, but hope your return is enjoyable if a bit chilly!

  9. I believe Alistair MacLean's last novel was called Santorini.

  10. David, you are right. I had completely forgotten about it. I read most of MacLean's books, but not the last few. Thanks for reminding me - I will seek it out.
