Monday, 17 October 2011


I've found it a struggle to get started with the next Lake District Mystery. Lack of time is an easy excuse, but it isn't really good enough. I did write a first chapter, but it didn't live up to my ambitions, so I've binned it, retaining only the opening line.

So - how to get going? I decided I really needed to soak myself in the locale, and luckily last Saturday was sunny enough to allow me to do just that. The result was a walk that was hugely enjoyable, with magnificent views. Here are some photos of the area where I'll be setting the book.

If that doesn't inspire me through the winter, I don't know what will!


  1. Martin - Oh, that is lovely scenery! I can just imagine one of your fine stories taking place there, too. I look forward to reading it.

  2. Great pictures. I do exactly the same, Martin. I take lots of photographs of the Solent area where my novels are set and walk the locale drawing inspiration from it while mulling over the plot. I'm sure your photographs will inspire you over the winter, and good luck with the book.

  3. I can only echo your final sentence, Martin! Inspiring indeed :)

  4. Gorgeous pics, Martin – very evocative, especially the 2nd and 5th ones down with those spooky shadows at the bottom…perhaps you, taking the shots? Maybe a touch of the spooky or macabre is just what you need to propel the book, if it could be woven into the plot? With a rational conclusion, of course…though come to think about it, why should every last strand be tied up? Real life isn’t like that, afterall. Maybe someday I’ll tell you about my ghostly experience in Barmouth, back in the late summer of ’76…

    Next Monday I’ll be off to Cumbria myself, to visit my elderly dad at the care home he’s in, out in the wilds to the north of Carlisle, close to where the Battle of Solway Moss was fought between the English and the Scots in 1542. Could there be a criminally inclined ghost from the battle causing probs for Daniel and Hannah?

    Homeward-bound on Tuesday, time permitting, maybe I’ll take in a lake or two. I’m puzzling over the views in your pics and should love to know where they were taken.

    Hope that opening line leads to a brilliant first chapter soon.

    All best,


  5. In your own back yard - how wonderful.

  6. What inspiration! I love the Lake District and hope that your ideas flow and the plot slots into place.

  7. Ooooooh! You have sold the setting to me :)

  8. Thanks very much for your kind comments.
    It was a lovely day.
    Paul, you may like to know that ghosts may play a sort of part in the new book...

  9. Bon courage for the new novel, Martin. What wonderful pix; doubtless those glorious views are still feeding authorial heart and mind. 'Ghosts' is it? Oooh! Constant reader perks up immediately ;-) at prospect of a spook.
