Monday 25 March 2013

The Interrogator

What do the following crime writers have in common? Lee Chld, Michael Connelly, Joyce Carol Oates, Laura Lippman, David Morrell, Jeffrey Deaver, Mickey Spillane, and Martin Edwards? One thing's for sure, it's not the fact that they are all best-sellers, since I'm certainly not in that league. But I'm pleased to say that, along with those other, much bigger names, I have a story in a new anthology, The Interrogator, published by Cemetery Dance in the US. Quite an honour.

The book is edited by Ed Gorman and Martin H. Greenberg, and a sad note is that Marty Greenberg, the doyen of anthologists, died not long after this book was first put together. I never met or talked to him, but I have had stories in a few of the colossal number of books of stories that he either edited or co-edited. Ed has dedicated this collection to Marty, and it's a fitting tribute, given the calibre of the other contributors.

The story of mine that is included is "Clutter", which previously appeared in Original Sins, the CWA anthology of 2010. I'm absolutely delighted to say that, although there was no CWA anthology last year, there should be a new collection later in 2013, to celebrate the CWA's Diamond Jubilee. Suffice to say the stories I've received are of a very high calibre, and there are some major names among the contributors..

The same is true of those in The Interrogator, and I'd also like to mention the extremely informative introduction by Jon L. Breen. As with Ed Gorman, he's someone I've never met, but have admired for a long time. Undoubtedly, he's one of the leading crime fiction critics of the past 30 years, and everything he writes is well worth reading. He's also produced a handful of enjoyable novels of his own. They are worth a look and so too, regardless of my own contribution, is The Interrogator.


  1. Kudos! I love Lee Child. Next time, though, you might like to make sure you're in the same anthology as Yvonne Walus.... ;-) Seriously though, Harlan Coben would have been a good name to throw around, too.

  2. I've had a copy of THE INTERROGATOR on order for quite some time, but this last? volume in the Gorman/Greenberg best-of-the-year series (Greenberg clearly can't contribute any longer) is apparently a fine capstone to the two annual series (the first being the MYSTERY SCENE boty volumes, the latter beginning with WORLD'S FINEST CRIME AND MYSTERY FICTION more than a decade back) Gorman and Greenberg have been putting together for us. Ed's a great writer, with quite a few books (it'd take big hands to encompass them) to his credit as both writer and editor...and is fighting serious illness right now...
