Friday 24 December 2021

Happy Christmas!

I'd like to wish all readers of this blog a very happy Christmas. As always, your comments and emails have been interesting, informative, and encouraging. It's not been an easy year around the world, in particular because of the pandemic, but the connections I've forged through this blog have been truly rewarding. So thank you, and have a great festive time. 

And if you're in the mood for seasonal crime, try Rupert Latimer's Murder after Christmas, a just-published British Library Crime Classic. It's a previously obscure book, and quite unusual in various ways. In the intro, I discuss the author's short and rather unlucky life, but it's good that his book has seen the light of day again. Meanwhile in the US, my anthology A Surprise for Christmas has now been published by Sourcebooks. 


  1. Thanks, and I just updated my Christmas mystery lists.

  2. A very merry Christmas to you too! I think I said something like this last year, but throughout these rather trying times, which have now gone on for longer than I'm sure most of us expected, it's been a comfort and a pleasure to read your commentaries on crime fiction, from which I, for one, have learned quite a lot. I hope you have a great rest of the holiday season and happy new year!

  3. Thanks so much, Kacey, much appreciated. Plenty more blog posts in the pipeline, I promise!
