Thursday, 7 December 2023

Gallows Court and an honour in Japan


I was thrilled to hear from my old friend Sachiko Tytler the other day. She brought news that the Japanese translation of Gallows Court has been voted Best New Comer (i.e. best crime novel to be translated into Japanese) by a group of 51 critics and other experts engaged by Hayakawa Mystery Magazine

The book also finished sixth overall in the list of the top ten translated crime novels, which is quite something. I've been delighted by the response to my writing in Japan and other parts of east Asia in recent times - an exciting and unexpected bonus to the writing life.

Great credit, of course, goes to my translator, Mr Kagayama. I'm really grateful for his enthusiasm for the Rachel Savernake novels. The next book in the series to be published in Japan will be Mortmain Hall.