Friday 24 December 2010


As Christmas approaches - and as you can see from the photo, it's a white Christmas here in Lymmm, can I sent my very best wishes to all of you who read this blog. Have a great time!

The TV schedules look promising. But how can I choose at 9 pm between Murder on the Orient Express – the new version with David Suchet – and the classic And Then There Were None, which is my all-time favourite Christie? We’ll see!

I do plan to review the new Poirot soon in any event. And maybe the older film too, while I'm at it...


  1. Martin,
    Merry Christmas and all the besto for the new year.

  2. Martin - Thanks for the kind wishes. My very best to and your family!

  3. Jose and Margot - many thanks, and all the very best to you, my friends.

  4. Martin, Merry Christmas and all the best to you and your family for 2011.

  5. I'm looking forward to watching the new Poirot - did you see the programme on BBC4 a few days ago of David Suchet travelling on the Orient Express? He seems a really nice man, and so enthusiastic about everything :)

    A very happy Christmas to you and your family, Martin, and best wishes for a successful and fulfilling new year!

  6. I choose And Then There Were None.

    Best Holiday Wishes!!

  7. Merry Christmas, Martin!

    I was in Daniel Kind/Hannah Scarlett country at the beginning of the week. Took one of my brothers up to visit our elderly father, who’s in a care home at Longtown. We stopped overnight at our sister’s, and early on Tuesday morning I saw the lunar eclipse from her top window – a magnificent sight, deep orange, low over the frozen white landscape. Missed the earthquake late on Tuesday night but believe it measured 3.5 on the Richter Scale, the epicentre near Coniston. Just thought the eclipse and quake might be nice background details to work into one of your future Lakeland mysteries.

    Very best wishes for the festive season to you and yours.


  8. Happy holidays to your fmily and you, Martin.

  9. The new Poirot doesn't seem to be putting in an appearance Downunder yet. :-( Merry Christmas Marttin

  10. I enjoyed Murder on the Orient Express greatly, as did my husband who isn't usually keen on that sort of thing. Very dark, compared with the film version, and all the better for that.
    A belated Happy Christmas, Martin. I look forward to seeing you at CrimeFest in 2011.

  11. Many thanks, everyone. I do hope my path will cross with those of many of you in the future. In the meantime, I do appreciate your interest in this blog.
