Thursday 2 April 2020

Mortmain Hall - Publication Day!

Mortmain Hall is published by Head of Zeus today, and you can bet I'll be celebrating tonight, even if it's in the family home rather than at a public launch. As I've mentioned before, I've never enjoyed writing a novel quite as much as I enjoyed this one and I hope that pleasure shines through the pages.

The current lockdown means that many authors are trying out new ways of reaching readers, and I'm no exception. Tonight at 6 pm UK time, I'm hosting my first Facebook Live event to discuss Golden Age fiction in general and Mortmain Hall in particular. Definitely moving outside my comfort zone in IT terms! So I'm putting this post together in some haste...

I've written a number of pieces for different platforms, including an article today for Bookbrunch about multi-tasking and another about jacket artwork for the Head of Zeus website. I talked to Ed Bettison, designer of the Mortmain Hall jacket, and found his comments so interesting that I plan to discuss this subject in more detail before long, and perhaps in a new video.

The Mortmain Hall blog tour is progressing splendidly and I'd again like to express my gratitude to the 27 bloggers who have agreed to take part. There's a wonderful review this morning on The Book Cosy Review -

Here are some of the other latest quotes:

"An absorbing and intricately plotted golden age murder mystery." Culturefly - 8 of the best books to read this April;

"Richly detailed with vintage glamour and an intricate puzzle to solve, Mortmain Hall is a supremely gripping and clever mystery with intriguing characters and twists and turns aplenty." Bookshelf Butterfly:

"I just simply fell in love with this book. The extensive possibilities, intricate plotting and connections lead by two engaging characters all kept me hooked until the very last page." Vicky Lord reviews:

"Utterly compelling":


  1. September.....sob sob sob
    and it won't even let me read a sample .....

    Congratulations it sounds like a great read I hope it does super well.

    You are now added to my must wait patiently list (Elly Griffith's July and Martin Edwards September...if I'm being positive it's a treat to look forward to!... must remember an entry in my Grandmothers autograph book from 1905 'patience is a virtue, find it where you can.... )

    All good wishes and stay safe!

  2. Congratulations Martin! I enjoyed Gallows Court, even though it was in the mould of a GA thriller rather than mystery - but it seems like Mortmain Hall straddles both more evenly? I look forward to holding my own copy in my hands!

  3. Thanks, everyone. Jonathan, you're right. Mortmain Hall has much more of a whodunit element than Gallows Court. There are some similar elements, but quite a lot that are different. The character of Rachel Savernake supplies quite a lot of scope for story development...
