I’m rather preoccupied at present, as my mother is ill, and if there are any delays in publishing or replying to comments, please accept my apologies, but I am striving to follow as normal a routine as possible in the circumstances, and to include some enjoyable events in a fairly crowded diary.
An example was on Friday, when I had the pleasure of revisiting Wirral Writers – a group of which I was a member in the 80s, before my first novel was published. Three of the members from that time are still around, and I was delighted to be in touch with them again.
I was asked to judge this year’s short story competition, on the theme of ‘crime’, and I was glad to present the Maynah Lewis Cup to Mike Wood, whose story (under the pen-name Sean McCann) was not merely enjoyable but impressive.
All understanding to you and best wishes for your mother and the restoration of her health, Martin.
Wishing your mother well, Martin. Thinking of you too.
Although we have only exchanged bits of "conversation" through the blogs, and though we have never met, I would nevertheless be remiss if I did not reach out by extending my most sincere wish that your mother recovers quickly and completely.
Many thanks for these comments, which I really do appreciate.
Very sorry to read your mother is not well, Martin. My thoughts are with you and her - and the rest of your family. My best wishes.
Wishing you and your mother well. I know how difficult it is to be the caregiver. Take care of yourself. You won't realize until later, how spent you are with all of it.
Maxine, and Patti, thank you both very much for your kind wishes.
Best wishes from me too!
Sorry to hear your mother is ill, Martin. I can imagine what you’re going through and the strain on your family.
I manage affairs and personal welfare for my 86 year old widowed father, who lives alone in Chester. He’s very frail and infirm with acute short-term memory problems coupled with confusion, and I never know when the next crisis is going to occur (the latest was a fall that landed him in A&E three weeks ago). So yes, I’m well able to empathise! And I admire your determination to carry on as normally as possible. It’s amazing you’re able to write so prolifically whilst working full-time as a solicitor, but the situation with your mother is a whole different ball game, of course.
I see the Lymm Festival is due to start this week, a possible subject for your blog perhaps? But in common with your many other friends on this side of the blog, I know where your priorities must lie at this difficult time.
My very best wishes. I hope your mother is on the mend soon.
Just to add my own good wishes, Martin. All the best.
I'm sorry to hear your mother is not well and I hope she soon makes a good recovery. Normal routine can be very comforting - as well as difficult to maintain at such times I always find.
Much appreciated, thaks.
Paul, yes, the Festival should soon be in full swing!
Martin, I hope your mother is feeling better now, and thank you so much, on behalf of Wirral Writers, for taking the time out to come along and present our cup at such a difficult time.
(Thanks also for the kind words about the story.)
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