Sheridan Smith and Celine Buckens make unlikely sisters, I have to say. Fortunately, their acting ability is considerable and their tense relationship was well drawn, and well portrayed. The script was written by Ben Harris and based on a novel by Lucy Clarke, which I haven't read. In some ways, it's the ultimate airport thriller - a lively book involving odd goings-on connected with a flight - but the pace is pretty relentless, and that helps the viewers to suspend their disbelief.
So too does the structure. We switch back and forth between the present day, with Erin - six months after losing her sister - desperate to find out whether Lori is still alive, and the events before and after the plane crashed. Surprise, surprise, Lori survived - but the mystery surrounding the crash is cleverly maintained. Alas, the final plot twist was not a great idea, in my opinion, but it didn't really matter.
This is good, undemanding light entertainment. Yes, the story is implausible, but I was never bored, and that's a lot more than I can say for certain other TV serials. I've enjoyed Sheridan Smith's performances for years (she was a great Cilla Black!) but I was equally impressed by Celine Buckens, while of the supporting cast, Brendan Cowell is good as the dodgy pilot.
I disliked the whole series by ep 3. Stopped. Erin ,the acting amateurish, her facial features made me laugh but that was not intention, especially running in forest, she did not portray breathing well. Sheridan I like as actress but coupled with others in this , NO. All seemed so unrealistic in acting and storyline. Glad some body enjoyed
Mediocre at best. Why? why? Why? does the "F" word have to be used? When I was growing up when anyone swore it was deemed to be " lack of English vocabulary" seems it's the norm now every second word is the "F" word.
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