I’ve said it before, and I am sure I’ll say it again, but blogging has introduced me to a large number of delightful people, both fellow bloggers and readers/commenters, and a good many have shown me a lot of kindness over the couple of years that I’ve been posting to ‘Do you write under your own name?’
Among them is Karen, of Eurocrime, who this week kindly featured advance news of the publication of The Serpent Pool in the UK and the US. I’m pleased to say that negotiations are also well under way with my German publishers Luebbe with a view to the book appearing in translation next year.
What has gratified me most is the reaction of the three sets of publishers. Each of them has said, separately, that they regard The Serpent Pool as the best of the Lake District Mysteries to date. This is exactly the sort of reaction that one hopes for, of course, but publishers can be robust people in private discussion, and I am sure that none of my publishers would have said this if they didn’t genuinely mean it.
I always want my latest book to be better than its predecessors, but of course, critical opinion can vary. However, I’m looking forward to next year’s publication of this title with a good deal of hope that others will share the enthusiasm of the various publishers.
In the meantime, here is the proposed cover of the US edition from Poisoned Pen Press.
Striking jacket!
It's a beautiful cover! And I've heard Poisoned Pen is great to work with...
Mystery Writing is Murder
I'm very happy for you, Martin. I wish you all the success in the world with The Serpent Pool, and I'll look for it when it comes out.
I love the UK cover!
Yes, we always hope to improve but sometimes you have to wonder whether it is really possible to keep improving book after book. Probably, but it's difficult.
Great cover. PPP does do some very fine covers.
Excellent news about the credit where due, Martin: 'chapeau'! I imagine that people tend to take it for granted that you are swishing about, awash with praise, as it were. Despite good readership, it must be even better to hear words of approbation. Good luck with the latest (just off to check out my latest order!).
Many thanks to you all for these kind comments.
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