Overseas publication of British crime novels can be unpredictable. Tastes vary, and what appeals in one country is sometimes less popular in another. My Harry Devlin novels have never been published in Germany, but I'm glad to say that a very good firm, Luebbe, have acquired the Lake District Mysteries. Last year saw the publication of Tote schlafen nicht - that is, The Coffin Trail (they don't go in for literally translated titles - the German edition translates as The Dead Don't Sleep.)
Now the German translation of The Cipher Garden has come out. This is Die Ohne Schuld Sind (my A Level German is rusty, but I think this means Those Who Are Without Guilt). I was glad to receive an author copy this week and I do like the cover artwork.
Martin you said "The first book did very well last year. I'm hoping for similar luck this time around." I would add that as much as luck plays a hand in the game, your ability in telling a dark tale has a greater edge - I enjoyed it in English but prefer the German cover, must be a bit of the teutonic love of trees in me!
Thanks very much, both of you!
I'm always intrigued by the way in which jacket artists interpret the same crime novels so differently from one country to another. A subject for a future blog post, perhaps.
I was staggered at what Crime Fiction addicts German readers are - if the titles in their book stores are anything to go by - kindred spirits I reckon. Hope your books do well there Martin
Congratulations on the German publication. I have a German agent who tells me Luebbe are looking at my crime novels - but they're taking a long time doing so. But then that's the publishing business for you. Maybe I'll get lucky - who knows? At least they're doing well in Poland. Thanks for your kind comment about my new web site. Hope all continues to go well with you and your writing. Happy Christmas!
Good luck with them, Pauline. And Happy Christmas to you!
Sounds like you're on a role. Congratulations Martin.
Logan Lamech
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