Saturday 7 February 2009

Saturday Selection - Tom Bradby, Barry Eisler

Tom Bradby is the political editor of ITV, which must be a very demanding job (influential, too, as he is said to have been instrumental, through his reporting, in David Cameron’s elevation to leadership of the Conservative party – blimey!) Somehow, he also finds the time to write thrillers which evidently sell very well indeed. I confess that I haven’t yet read any, but they look interesting.

Now I have received a review copy of his latest, Blood Money (Bantam). The press release says: ‘A banker lies dead on Wall Street and rookie cop Joe Quinn is assigned to find out how he got there’. Yes, you guessed it – the setting is 1929, and amidst economic turmoil, bankers are not the most popular people around. So – a historical crime novel, but perhaps with relevance to the present day. I must get round to reading this one.

Another writer on my shamefully long list of those I haven’t read at all is the American Barry Eisler. Like Bradby, he has an intimidatingly impressive CV- he worked for the CIA’s director of operations before moving to Japan and earning a black belt in judo. So even if I didn’t enjoy his work (perish the thought) I’d be inclined to keep very quiet about it.

Eisler’s latest is Requiem for an Assassin (Penguin), the fifth book in a series featuring an assassin called John Rain. It looks like a thriller crammed with authentic background detail.


David Cranmer said...

I'm writing some flash stories featuring an assassin so Eisler’s novel sounds intriguing. Thanks.

Martin Edwards said...

Have you read any Eisler? I don't think he's been published much in the UK, but someone I met at Bouchercon rated his books highly.

seana graham said...

I've read the first couple of Eisler books, and think they're great. I stopped only because he switched from the Japanese setting of the first couple and takes his protagonist to other parts of the world, which isn't a negative, just takes some adjusting for the committed series reader.

I had a funny experience of sitting next to a woman on a plane once and finding a sort of affinity through our Barry Eisler love, which was odd. I think she was disappointed to discover that I wasn't really young enough to date her son, but life is tough.

Martin Edwards said...

Thanks - then I guess that it would be a good idea for me to start at the beginning of the series and see how John Rain moves around.